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Jungle curry

The best of both worlds in a Thai Curry - prawns AND steak! We add coconut milk to our version of Jungle Curry, using red curry paste as a base for a rich indulgent flavour.

Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 8 mins
Serves: 2
    • 1 tbsp. (or to taste) vegetable oil, for frying
    • 1 x 50g Blue Dragon Thai Red Paste Pot
    • 400ml Blue Dragon Coconut Milk
    • 3 shallots, finely chopped
    • 50g mangetout
    • 2 baby aubergines, quartered
    • 6 king prawns, raw
    • 150g fillet steak, cut into thin slices
    • 1 red chilli, finely sliced (optional)
    • Handful Thai basil (optional)
    • Thai basil (optional) Blue Dragon Coconut Cream, optional
    • Some jasmine rice, to accompany
    1. Place the oil in a pan over a medium heat. Add the Thai Red Curry Paste and fry for 20-30 seconds.
    2. Add the Coconut Milk and bring to a simmer. Then add the shallots, mangetout and aubergines, as well as the prawns and sliced steak.
    3. Cook for 3-5 minutes until cooked through and tender.
    4. Garnish with finely sliced chillies, Thai basil or fresh coriander and Coconut Cream (or some of the thicker part of the Coconut Milk from the top of the can). Serve with steamed jasmine rice.