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Banh Mi

A Vietnamese street food favourite served on a soft white baguette. Our easy-to-prepare version contains flavour packed prawn patties with chilli, coriander, ginger and lemongrass.

Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 10 mins
Serves: 2
    • 300g raw prawns, chopped
    • Small handful coriander and stalks
    • 2 garlic cloves
    • 1 red birds eye chilli
    • 1 lemongrass
    • 1/2 a carrot
    • 2 tsp. Blue Dragon Fish sauce
    • 2 tsp. Blue Dragon White Rice Vinegar
    • 10g Blue Dragon Sushi Ginger
    • 1 thumb fresh ginger
    • 1 spring onion
    • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
    • 2 tsp. Blue Dragon Sesame Oil
    • 2 small baguettes
    1. Chop the coriander, garlic, birds eye chilli, lemongrass, ginger and mix with the chopped prawns. Or blend all the ingredients in a food processor.
    2. Season the mixture with Blue Dragon Fish Sauce and Blue Dragon White Rice Vinegar. Divide into 4 balls and pat out slightly. Leave in the fridge to firm.
    3. Finely grate half a carrot, slice the Japanese sushi ginger and finely slice a spring onion and toss all three together with a little coriander.
    4. Stir the Blue Dragon Sesame Oil and mayonnaise together and set aside.
    5. Pan fry the prawn patties in a little oil until golden brown on both sides and cooked all the way through.
    6. Split 2 little baguettes and spread generously with the sesame mayonnaise. Place the cooked prawn patties on top and top with eth carrot, spring onion, sushi ginger and coriander garnish.