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Baked Camembert with Sweet Chilli

Our Sweet Chilli takes this lovely gooey camembert to the next level. Great to share with friends or even better all to yourself!

Prep: 5 mins
Cook: 20 mins
Serves: 4
    • 1 camembert (packaged in a wooden box)
    • 2 tbsp. Blue Dragon Squeezy Sweet Chilli Sauce (or Light Squeezy Sweet Chilli if you're being good!)
    1. Remove the camembert from its wooden box, remove and discard the wax paper wrapping the cheese, and replace the cheese in its box.
    2. Then with a sharp knife, cut a neat circle into the centre of the cheese to create a well, reserving the rind/ cheese that has been removed.
    3. Fill the hole with Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce, and then top with the reserved rind (you may need to trim the excess cheese from under the rind to make it fit).
    4. Replace the wooden lid, place on a baking sheet in a 200’C pre-heated oven, and cook for 20 minutes or until the cheese has melted and the Sweet Chilli can be easily stirred into the molten camembert. Serve with crudités (vegetable sticks).