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Spring Roll Wrappers

As featured by Delia Smith in her cookery book and on BBC's 'How To Cheat'! Rice pancakes for spring rolls. Delicious eaten fresh or deep fried

Spring Roll Wrappers
  • Average values per 100g

    Nutritional info per 100g
    Energy 1430kj/337kcal
    Protein 5.8g
    Carbohydrate 77.4g
    Of which: Sugars 2.7g
    Fat 0.5g
    Of which: Saturates 0.1g
    Fibre 0.1g
    Salt 2.5g

    Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians

  • Rice Flour (67%), Tapioca Flour, Water, Salt.

    Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians

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